Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Broken Hill - The Journey

Broken Hill - The Journey

Well after a drive of nearly 500 kilometres today, we have arrived in Broken Hill from Cobar, still in New South Wales.
The weather was kind and we saw foxes and goats along the way. We also encountered our first ‘Road trains’ which passed us without any issue regarding wind gusts.

As soon as we set up the caravan we popped into the information centre in Broken hill city centre and brought back a handful of brochures. A friend had suggested we visit Silverstone mine, so that is on the agenda for tomorrow along with a sight-seeing tour in and around the city centre.

Originally we were only going to stay 1 night, but given the journey today and the opportunities of the surround we will stay 2 nights. As a result we will stop only 1 night in Port Augusta instead of 2 in order to keep the schedule on time.

We have also started to get “The Wave” from passing RV drivers along the highways, to which we duly respond.

Most of the journey today was along the Barrier Highway. I would describe the Highway as a series of aircraft landing strips joined together with the odd bend or bump in the road. The photographs will show what I mean.

We stopped at the roadside for morning coffee and a bit of a rest

Its still cold at night, but looking at the weather forecasts on the TV, nothing that most of Australia isn’t encountering.

We stopped at a pull-in about 70 kilometres from Broken hill and we were joined by another couple. The guy arrived in Australia on the same ship as Jean (in 1955) and lived only a short distance from her in England. Considering where we were when we met them on the side of the highway, that was a remarkable coincidence.

 A well-earned coffee break

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