Monday, August 23, 2010

Monkey Mia, WA - Round and about

Monkey Mia, WA - Round and about

Day 1 - Arrived (after a long drive) and setup the caravan. Took a walk along the Beach
 Entrance to the Monkey Mia Resort

Day 2 - Monkey Mia - Spent most of the day washing a pile of clothes (The resport only had bore water, so we used our own little washing machine and our own tank town water which did the job)

Denham town, Shark Bay, WA

Day 3 - Denham about 25 kilomtres from Monkey Mia. A nice little 'sea-side' resort. Just walked around as most places were closed (thank you Western Australia!) but we will be back later on in the week. Weather has 'down-graded (as usual) as we normally arrive in the sun and (low and behold) the winds and rain arrive within a few days but doesn't dampen our spirits.

One of two islands joined by the Denham main road.
One side is straddled by a variety of shops, pubs etc., whilst the other side is a walkway along the Ocean beach.

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