Saturday, August 21, 2010

Norseman, WA - The journey

Norseman, WA - The journey

This was our longest journey so far, about 530 kilometres from Madura to Norseman. We wanted (needed) water and a place that had something to look at. Prior to Norseman there was only road houses, none of which offered water. The drive was amiable as the clocks had to be turned back a total of two hours. The scenery changed very little, although, due to rain, the Nullarbor was green with a fair amount of vegitation each side of the Eyre Highway. We had expected arid, brown land, so we were surprised at the greenery.

Part of the longest straight road in Australia.

Several parts of the Eyre Highway are marked as emergency airstrips for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.


See what I mean!


The rain fall had significantly greened the landscape along the Nullarbor

Jean holding up the sign!


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